T-SQL Tuesday #38 – Standing Firm

T-SQL Tuesday is a recurring blog party, that is started by Adam Machanic (Blog | @AdamMachanic). Each month a blog will host the party, and everyone that want’s to can write a blog about a specific subject.

This month the subject is “Standing Firm”. If you want to read the opening post, please click the image below to go to the party-starter: Jason Brimhall (Blog | @sqlrnnr).

This month I thought about skipping T-SQL Tuesday, because I didn’t thought of a story to tell you. Certainly after my previous post about my targets for this year. Standing firm was something I connected to these targets, until today.

I can’t give you full details about the current situation right now, but trust me if I say it’s not pretty. When I started thinking about targets I want to set myself, I thought about my future. The next 10 years, I saw myself sticking with the same I do now and love: SQL Server development. Then some things… well… changed… Unfortunately, without informing me.

To get back to this months topic, I decided to stand firm for myself from now on. In the past it happened several times, that I accepted things that I didn’t believe in myself. Things that were decided without asking or informing me, and that I let happen in order to keep the peace. But that changed this week.

From now on, I decide what I want, and not what others expect from me. I’m even more determined to succeed as a SQL Server professional, and to show certain people I AM qualified for specific tasks.

This might be hard, and unpleasant for some people, but it’s my future. I want to become an author, a speaker, a person to go to if you have questions, and so on. But I don’t think I can accomplish it if I carry on like this…

So If you help me accomplish one or more of my goals from my previous post, let me know. If you can help me find a new challenge, I’d love to talk to you about that! I need all the help I can get from my #SQLFamily! 🙂