SQL Sentry Plan Explorer: You can’t live without it

Every data professional out there will run into slow running queries, or performance issues you can’t explain at some point. At that moment, it’s difficult to explain the problem without looking at an execution plan. SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) has build-in functionality to look at these execution plans. But this isn’t always as useful as we would like it to be. But there is a great free tool that’ll help you with query-tuning and pinpointing the issue in bad performing queries.

SQL Sentry Plan Explorer is free, and available on the website of SQL Sentry. Even though it says it’s a trial version, it won’t expire after a certain period. The only thing that’s “trial” in this version, is that some functionality is blocked in the free version. But all the good stuff is available in the free version.

Integration in SSMS
When you start the install, the install doesn’t ask you to shut down SSMS. But I recommend you do. If you don’t close SSMS, you won’t see the SSMS add-in menu. It will show after the setup is finished, and you start a new instance of SSMS.

Creating a query, and opening it in Plan Explorer
As an example, I’ve created a really bad query on the Adventureworks2012 database:

USE AdventureWorks2012

DECLARE @MinPrice INT = -1;

WITH Shipping AS
  PV.ProductID AS ProductID,
  UM.Name AS ShippingPer,
    WHEN UM.Name = 'Each' THEN PV.StandardPrice
    WHEN UM.Name = 'Dozen' THEN PV.StandardPrice / 12
    ELSE @MinPrice
  END AS ShippingCostPerUnit
FROM Purchasing.ProductVendor AS PV
INNER JOIN Production.UnitMeasure AS UM ON UM.UnitMeasureCode = PV.UnitMeasureCode

  dbo.ufnGetProductListPrice(P.ProductID, GETDATE()) AS XYZ,
  P.ListPrice + S.ShippingCostPerUnit AS TotalCostProduct,
  Quantity.TotalQuantity * P.ListPrice AS TotalValueStock,
  ((Quantity.TotalQuantity * P.ListPrice) / Locations.TotalLocations) AS AverageValuePerLocation
FROM Production.Product AS P
INNER JOIN Shipping AS S ON S.ProductID = P.ProductID
  SELECT SUM(Quantity) AS TotalQuantity
  FROM Production.ProductInventory
  WHERE ProductID = P.ProductID
  GROUP BY ProductID
) AS Quantity
  SELECT COUNT(LocationID) AS TotalLocations
  FROM Production.ProductInventory --WITH(INDEX(0))
  WHERE ProductID = P.ProductID
) AS Locations
WHERE P.ListPrice <> 0
ORDER BY P.ProductID, P.ProductNumber, P.Name, TotalLocations ASC

If you run this query in SSMS, and you include the actual execution plan (Ctrl + M), it will show you the execution plan in a separate result window. In this window, you’ll have the option to right-click, and choose “View with SQL Sentry Plan Explorer”:

If you click this, you’ll open Plan Explorer, and it will show you the execution plan:

So, is that all?
I can almost hear you think: So what’s the difference between Plan Explorer and the default SSMS windows, besides the fancy colors? Just take a look at all the extra opportunities you get with Plan Explorer. For example, how does your join diagram look? Can you pull that from SSMS? No? Well I can do that with Plan Explorer:

Your most expensive operation in the query? Yes, you could do that by looking at the percentages shown in your queryplan. But can you show me why they are that expensive? Again, I can do that with Plan Explorer:

Can you do you job without it?
If I ask myself this question, I think I can honestly answer this with: yes. Yes, I can do my job without it. But this makes it SO much easier to pinpoint the problem, and to get a quick overview of the query performance. Normally I look at the queryplan in SSMS first, and then immediately open up a Plan Explorer window, to take a closer look at the problems.

So if you write queries on a daily basis, and you’re responsible for, or interested in, qery performance: download it today, and try it out yourself. I’ll promise you, you won’t regret downloading it!
If you want to read more about SQL Sentry Plan Explorer, don’t forget to check out these blog posts:

Julie Koesmarno: Analysing Execution Plans With SQL Sentry Plan Explorer
Mickey Stuewe: On sabbatical
Chris Yates: SQL Sentry Plan Explorer – Don’t Leave Home Without It

Huge operator costs in execution plan

If you work with SQL Server, you’ll need to look at execution plans sooner or later. Now and in the past, I’ve had the privilege of introducing many of my (former) colleagues to these “works of magic”. But what happens if you can’t trust the plans you’re looking at…?

Say what…?
Last week I was asked to look at a slow running query. The first thing I did was look at the execution plan. It hit me pretty fast that this might be a “less optimized” query:

As you can see, it was a query with a lot of CTE’s and sub-selects, that was build by multiple developers and analysts. No one took the time to review or rewrite parts of the query, but they all build their additions on top of the old version. This isn’t uncommon in most companies, because time is precious and costs a company money. And people often find it difficult to ask or make time for quality control.

But looking a little bit closer, I started noticing that the operators in the execution plan were a little bit too high if you ask me:

This couldn’t be correct! So I asked the help of a life saver, called SQL Sentry Plan Explorer. If you don’t already have it, and are using it, start doing that now! And no, they don’t pay me to say this (but if they want to, I have nothing against that…). The main reason I use Plan Explorer, is that it shows you a little bit more information, and the layout is better then the default execution plans from SQL Server. But what does Plan Explorer show us, if we load the same plan?

It seems that the Plan Explorer shows the right numbers. But how is this possible? After some online searching, I came to the conclusion that I’m not the only one having this issue:

Huge operator cost in estimated execution plan
Query plan iterator cost percentage way off
SSMS execution plan sometimes exceeds 100
Katmai also 2005 graphical plan operator costs exceed 100

But unfortunately, all of these issues are marked for “future release”, and only 1 is from last year. The other connect items are much older. So maybe they will fix it for the next release that is just announced.

But keep in mind, even though the numbers look weird, it doesn’t affect performance.